Preparation H…as in Home.

The last few weeks I’ve been thinking a lot about planning/preparation and how it affects my life.  Too much planning can be not only annoying, but downright unrealistic to achieve.  Too little planning and you’re living in varying degrees of chaos.  If you’re like me, you are constantly looking for that right balance of preparation and the time to execute.  For example, I hate rushing in the mornings.  I hate projecting that rushed feeling on to my family in the mornings too.  I want to start my day with peace and calmness.  Snow White’s animal friends will help me with the morning chores as I glide around being productive before I, my prince, and little one will happily sing and twirl our way out of the house to face the world.  Ok, so maybe that’s too much to ask, but I think it’s realistic to want a smooth, calm morning (or lifestyle for that matter).  So my next few posts will be dedicated to a few ideas that can help make my and your life a little easier. 

Preparation 1 – Get up earlier.   Seems obvious right?  But I’m sure I’m not the only one who struggles with this.  If you are one of those people who can easily wake up at 5 am, all perky and ready to start the day, I hate you.  You’re like those people who can eat whatever they want and never gain an ounce.  I want to feed you biscuits.  Your caffeine independence for functional mornings is just not fair.  Clearly, this is an area I need to work on.  I am NOT an early morning person and 6 am is still a struggle for me.  But as much as I hate it, I know getting up earlier would make my morning routine easier. 

What could I do with an extra hour?  Write? Meditate? Work out?  An extra load of laundry?  How would it feel to leave on time, with everything done and in no extra hurry at all?  The times it happens is magical.   

The point is I could do a lot of things if I just do it.  Action.  This is my goal for next week – another small step.